Camp Mabry, American Heroes Celebration / Muster Day Weekend
Day two, Sunday April 19th, 2009
Photographs by 2/FRJ Luftwaffe Kriegsberichter - Ferreiro
Pre-action briefing.
Schwimmwagen filled with SS drifts up to join the patrol. Photo (c) 2009 A. Seamster
Heer soldat gets some help with his gear. Photo (c) 2009 A. Seamster
SS gather to ride the Hetzer. Photo (c) 2009 A. Seamster
Gebirgsjäger falls in for patrol. Photo (c) 2009 A. Seamster
Jeager pops out of the bunker for a breath of fresh air.
SS Sturmscharführer in 'oak' camoflage. Photo (c) 2009 A. Seamster
The Hetzer leads the return of the retreating patrol.
The rest of the partol behind the Hetzer.
Landsers close the gap in the line.
Landsers return fire as the Amis emerge from the woods.
Jagers returning fire from their R-71 while on the move.
The Hetzer backs into a hull down firing position.
A Sherman emerges from the woods to challenge the Hetzer.
Amis low crawl up to the German lines.
Jager returns fire with his Stg-44.
The safest place is under cover.
Amis up and through the dragon's teeth.
Swapping mags under fire is tough.
Jagers left with little cover and limited options.
Smoke billows as the Amis take the last German positions.